Client Brief
Gibson Dunn used Go Team at their annual company meeting to with trivia challenges centred on the key conference themes – Lawyers, Innovation, Collaboration, and Celebrating 125 years of Gibson Dunn.
The Solution
The 125 participants from Gibson Dunn were divided into teams and each supplied with an iPad installed with the Go Team app. provided each team with an I-Pad installed with the Go Team app and with unlimited internet connection. Using the Go Team app teams found a series of photo challenges, video challenges, trivia questions and action stations. There were in total, 100 challenges predesigned with event organisers from Gibson Dunn and Go Team factilitators, Play with A Purpose. Kicking off at the Boca Raton Resort and Club’s Grand Lawn, each challenge tested the team’s knowledge of current practices, history of Gibson Dunn, and their creativity. Teams raced around the hotel between 5 custom pit stops designed to allow teams to innovate and collaborate to complete tasks and receive the most points. After they had completed all challenges, teams met back at the great lawn where the victor was crowned and teams reflected on how much fun they had while racing down Gibson Dunn’s memory lane.